Joe S.
I have a new lease on life now that I’m not worried about wearing adult diapers to the gym. I thought I was doomed to a life sentence of incontinence but now I feel free to live
I’m so glad I found a cure without surgery or pills.
“I had increasing trouble with incontinence, even when walking. Carrying even light weights would cause a flow. After just two treatments, I noticed significant improvement. Over the course of treatment, the vast improvement was a great encouragement.
No more leaking while walking. If I have emptied my bladder recently, I can even carry weight without leaking.”
“I am a 52-year-old wife and mother. I have been struggling with a 1 ½ inch hemorrhoid since my daughter was born 22 years ago.
This September it flared up and was terribly swollen. I had tried sitz baths, hemorrhoid creams, suppositories, and witch hazel pads.
It wasn’t responding to any treatment, so I decided to mention my problem to Dr. Arnone. Immediately, he suggested ‘The Chair.’
After just 3 treatments, my hemorrhoid was pulled back inside my body and I could walk, sit, and drive pain free.
I was amazed. Another unexpected benefit was that my bladder, which from time to time would leak when I laughed too hard, wasn’t leaking anymore as well! I think Dr. Arnone should call it ‘The Miracle Chair.’
I’m 35 and a mother of two young children. I’ve been experiencing bladder leakage since being pregnant and I just never “snapped back”.
I did
Before starting Pelvic Wave, I had a pelvic floor strength score from my therapist of 2 out of 5. After Pelvic Wave my score was 5 out of 5! My therapist said she had never seen anyone progress the way I had!
I used to have such anxiety when I would feel a sneeze coming on… not anymore. Plus I’m back to exercising normally with the ability to run and jump with no leaks.
I would recommend Pelvic Wave to anyone who’s recently had kids and wants to get back to normal life.
The treatment is so easy. It’s pain free, you’re in your clothes and each session is just 20-minutes long. Pelvic Wave is truly amazing!”
– Sarah, age 35
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